La recherche a retourné 3 résultats

par Taikaviitta
lun. sept. 07, 2015 2:32 pm
Forum : Friendly Robotics/Viking : Robomow/iMow
Sujet : MC500 - optimal perimeter wire setup for complex garden
Réponses : 4
Vues : 169

MC500 - optimal perimeter wire setup for complex garden

Hi and thank you for the comments! :) 1. Ok, good to know. It seems that there is not much "wisdom" in the robot in what comes to finding the base station. But this is ok as long as it finds it... 2/3. Yes, I actually have set the islands up so that wires are together. But my plan was to separate th...
par Taikaviitta
lun. août 24, 2015 12:43 am
Forum : Friendly Robotics/Viking : Robomow/iMow
Sujet : MC500 - optimal perimeter wire setup for complex garden
Réponses : 4
Vues : 169

MC500 - optimal perimeter wire setup for complex garden

[quote le 22/08/2015 à 22:12:08, bastoche a dit :]hi, the first problem to help that the language, but the biggest is i think, no many people on this forum have a mc 500 i hope someone should help you [img][/quote] No problem, I've already gotten many useful tips ...
par Taikaviitta
sam. août 22, 2015 1:03 am
Forum : Friendly Robotics/Viking : Robomow/iMow
Sujet : MC500 - optimal perimeter wire setup for complex garden
Réponses : 4
Vues : 169

MC500 - optimal perimeter wire setup for complex garden

Hello, sorry for the English language but my French is unfortunately not that good :) I purchased and installed Robomow MC500 for my garden where the lawn area is about 400m2 and split to two zones. I first setup the "main zone" and as the mower performed very well there, I then added the "sub zone"...