Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

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Inscription : mer. juin 19, 2024 5:12 pm

Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par Nicktim »

Salut, ça va être un long post pour tout expliquer. j'espère obtenir de l'aide de vous tous ici après de nombreuses recherches. J'utilise Google Translate si la langue semble étrange ;)

Lorsque j'ai récupéré la machine après l'entreposage d'hiver cette saison, le centre de service a déclaré qu'elle avait été endommagée par l'eau. cela a entraîné un fonctionnement très lent du moteur de la roue gauche. Ils auraient une surcharge pour remplacer le circuit imprimé, alors j'ai commencé à chercher moi-même des solutions. Est techniquement enclin et résout généralement la plupart des choses moi-même… mais a rencontré des problèmes.

J'ai trouvé sur eBay un circuit imprimé remis à neuf qui devrait être entièrement fonctionnel. la société a écrit qu'elle le programmait également sur un seul, j'ai donc joint le numéro de série. quelques jours après la commande, j'avais manqué des appels téléphoniques du pays dans lequel j'avais commandé. J'ai également vu que la commande avait été envoyée.

alors j'ai écrit au vendeur et je me suis demandé s'il avait appelé et s'il avait programmé la carte pour moi avec la réponse qu'elle n'était pas nécessaire pour ma machine ? (Tondeuse automatique Husqvarna 230 acx)

Lorsque la carte est arrivée, je l'ai montée et j'ai exécuté des programmes de test pour les moteurs de roue qui ont parfaitement fonctionné. Tondeuse à décrochage. à la station de recharge et modifié le code PIN pour générer un nouveau signal de boucle.

d'accord. mais quand je l'exécute, il est indiqué directement à l'extérieur de la zone de travail. J'ai exécuté le programme de test pour les capteurs avec des nombres étranges.

ok, maintenant, après quelques recherches, je commence à soupçonner que le circuit imprimé de la station de recharge s'est également cassé à cause de la foudre ou similaire. la borne s'allume en vert mais a compris qu'elle pouvait le faire malgré que la borne émette une tension trop faible sur le fil limite. Pour exclure un problème avec la station de recharge, j'ai amené la machine chez une connaissance avec une tondeuse en état de marche, exactement la même. changer de code pour le connecter mais exactement le même résultat...

alors maintenant, je me demande si le nouveau circuit imprimé est défectueux après tout ? ou s'il faut finalement le programmer avec les données de la tondeuse ? a également remplacé la carte pour la détection de la boucle avant.



Hi, this is going to be a long post to explain everything. I hope to get help from all of you here after much research. I use Google Translate if the language seems strange ;)

When I picked up the machine from winter storage this season, the service center said it had water damage. this caused the left wheel motor to operate very slowly. They would have an overcharge to replace the circuit board, so I started looking for solutions myself. Is technically inclined and usually solves most things myself...but has run into some issues.

I found a refurbished circuit board on eBay that should be fully functional. the company wrote that they also programmed it to one, so I attached the serial number. A few days after ordering, I had missed phone calls from the country I ordered from. I also saw that the order had been sent.

so I wrote to the seller and wondered if he had called and programmed the card for me with the response that it was not needed for my machine? (Husqvarna 230 acx automatic lawn mower)

When the board arrived I mounted it and ran some test programs for the wheel motors which worked perfectly. Detachment mower. to the charging station and changed the PIN code to generate a new loop signal.

All right. but when I run it it says directly outside the work area. I ran the test program for sensors with strange numbers.

ok, now after some research I'm starting to suspect that the charging station circuit board also broke due to lightning or similar. the terminal lights up green but understood that it could do so despite the terminal emitting too low a voltage on the limit wire. To rule out a problem with the charging station, I took the machine to an acquaintance with a working mower, exactly the same. change code to connect it but exactly the same result...

so now I'm wondering if the new circuit board is faulty after all? or if it finally has to be programmed with the data from the mower? also replaced the board for forward loop detection.

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Messages : 2258
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2010 8:49 am

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par chercheur »


You should first check the signals received by the Automower.

Go the the tools menu by pressing, simultanuously : Home, 4 & 3
Go to (somethign like) "current data" and then "sensors"

Then follow this post to identify if your values are ok: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=22510
Af and Ar are the boundary signals received by the robot (front and rear)
230ACX (2011) adaptée en Li-Ion (2017) + G2-Connect Wifi module (2017) & AM320 - Brabant-Wallon - Belgique
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Inscription : mer. juin 19, 2024 5:12 pm

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par Nicktim »

chercheur a écrit : mer. juin 19, 2024 6:03 pm Hi,

You should first check the signals received by the Automower.

Go the the tools menu by pressing, simultanuously : Home, 4 & 3
Go to (somethign like) "current data" and then "sensors"

Then follow this post to identify if your values are ok: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=22510
Af and Ar are the boundary signals received by the robot (front and rear)
went and talked to our service center and ended up handing it in. they said that the circuit board certainly needed to be programmed and updated to work. is that true on this model? have received various info from several quarters now... :|
Tondeur acharné
Messages : 2258
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2010 8:49 am

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par chercheur »

I've never seen that effect.
When loaded with the wrong software it usually effects the motors or the display.
230ACX (2011) adaptée en Li-Ion (2017) + G2-Connect Wifi module (2017) & AM320 - Brabant-Wallon - Belgique
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Inscription : mer. juin 19, 2024 5:12 pm

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par Nicktim »

chercheur a écrit : mer. juin 19, 2024 6:53 pm I've never seen that effect.
When loaded with the wrong software it usually effects the motors or the display.
took it in to the local service center who said it was programmed but the stop switch was broken so they replaced it.. but that didn't help. mower still says out of working range. have also tested it on an acquaintance's charging station which works but with the same result.

the only way to get it started is to deactivate loop detection in the menu. have also tried deactivating the stop switch in the menu with no difference and replaced the front loop sensor.

when I tested the machine with friends, there were different sonson values ​​in the menu. what's going on here? :?:

the difference between mine and a friend's machine in the same location
Af -250
Ar -230
g1 -15
g2 2
f -326
No. 33

Af 237
Ar 232
g1 13
g2 13
f 312
n -49
Tondeur acharné
Messages : 2258
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2010 8:49 am

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par chercheur »

Nicktim a écrit : dim. juin 23, 2024 6:05 pm the difference between mine and a friend's machine in the same location
Af -250
Ar -230
This clearly demonstrates that the robot thinks he is outside of the boundary wire. Negative sign.
Nicktim a écrit : dim. juin 23, 2024 6:05 pm familiar
Af 237
Ar 232
In this case the robot is inside of the boundary wire. Positive sign.

The Af and Ar signals must be:
- positive = within boundary
- 0 = on the wire
- negative = outside of boundary

If I correctly understand, the measures here above are made with the same station ?
Your friend's robot is working and showing positive values while yours doesn't and shows negative values ?
For that test, did you pair your robot with his station ?

PS: I don't undestand "SORTIE DU LIMITEUR MESURÉE À 36v" that you mentionned in your private message.
230ACX (2011) adaptée en Li-Ion (2017) + G2-Connect Wifi module (2017) & AM320 - Brabant-Wallon - Belgique
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Messages : 15
Inscription : mer. juin 19, 2024 5:12 pm

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par Nicktim »

chercheur a écrit : mar. juin 25, 2024 10:25 am
Nicktim a écrit : dim. juin 23, 2024 6:05 pm the difference between mine and a friend's machine in the same location
Af -250
Ar -230
This clearly demonstrates that the robot thinks he is outside of the boundary wire. Negative sign.
Nicktim a écrit : dim. juin 23, 2024 6:05 pm familiar
Af 237
Ar 232
In this case the robot is inside of the boundary wire. Positive sign.

The Af and Ar signals must be:
- positive = within boundary
- 0 = on the wire
- negative = outside of boundary

If I correctly understand, the measures here above are made with the same station ?
Your friend's robot is working and showing positive values while yours doesn't and shows negative values ?
For that test, did you pair your robot with his station ?

PS: I don't undestand "SORTIE DU LIMITEUR MESURÉE À 36v" that you mentionned in your private message.
Yes it was tested on the same location at my friends house that have same model that works. I changed the pin to get new signal.

36v. I have read that you can measure the voltage at the charging station and transformer to see if the values ​​are within normal range. the transformer gives 28v as it should. but if i measure the pins where the limiter wire plugs in i got 36v. which feels very high. if that is true

had wanted to rule out if it is something in the clipper itself or in the charging station. Is this the type that could be broken?
- circuit board in charging station
- antennas in the charging plate
- something in the circuit board in the clipper? changed this to a beg repaired card.

can't really clock this. thought I could rule out the charging station by testing at the friend's. but then I read the other day someone who had exactly the same problem and also tested on another facility without results. in the end when he still changed the keets card in the charging station and a loop sensor it started..

but it feels really bad to change something that doesn't help when I already spent a lot of money

By the way. Let me check this again. But now one sensor is positive outside wire and the outher negativ outside of i remember right
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Messages : 2258
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2010 8:49 am

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par chercheur »

- circuit board in charging station
If your robot doesn't work with your friends station proves that your station has no issue

- antennas in the charging plate
Those antennas take care of the F and N signals.
Nothing to do with the boudary signal (A)

- something in the circuit board in the clipper
Could be.
You could also swap both Af and Ar sensors and ensure that they are not incorrectly connected
230ACX (2011) adaptée en Li-Ion (2017) + G2-Connect Wifi module (2017) & AM320 - Brabant-Wallon - Belgique
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Inscription : mer. juin 19, 2024 5:12 pm

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par Nicktim »

chercheur a écrit : mar. juin 25, 2024 11:35 am - circuit board in charging station
If your robot doesn't work with your friends station proves that your station has no issue

- antennas in the charging plate
Those antennas take care of the F and N signals.
Nothing to do with the boudary signal (A)

- something in the circuit board in the clipper
Could be.
You could also swap both Af and Ar sensors and ensure that they are not incorrectly connected
I have negative af/ar signal inside and positive outside area :/

How do you mean swap sensors? You mean the sensors inside mower? They cables ar not long enoth to swap place
Tondeur acharné
Messages : 2258
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2010 8:49 am

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par chercheur »

I've deleted your other posts.
Please keep posting here.

I mean, swap the 2 little sensors cards inside the robot.

As you have exactly the opposite of what is expected:
- maybe you inserted the connectors inside those 2 little sensor boards in the wrong direction ?
- maybe your "new" motherboard is flashed with the wrong firmware ?
- maybe you could test the signals with your old motherboard ?
230ACX (2011) adaptée en Li-Ion (2017) + G2-Connect Wifi module (2017) & AM320 - Brabant-Wallon - Belgique
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Messages : 15
Inscription : mer. juin 19, 2024 5:12 pm

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par Nicktim »

chercheur a écrit : mar. juin 25, 2024 1:37 pm I've deleted your other posts.
Please keep posting here.

I mean, swap the 2 little sensors cards inside the robot.

As you have exactly the opposite of what is expected:
- maybe you inserted the connectors inside those 2 little sensor boards in the wrong direction ?
- maybe your "new" motherboard is flashed with the wrong firmware ?
- maybe you could test the signals with your old motherboard ?
okay good. just whanted to make sure someone knowledgeable picked up the question. thanks for the help :)

- yes, you may actually be completely right that I turned the sensors in the wrong direction and turned them upwards instead... if it's that simple, I'll give up haha ​​I'll check this as soon as I have the opportunity. I know that the contacts to the sensors were corrided, but when I measured between the contact and the circuit board, there was only contact on each "stick". so they don't seem to be shorted

- have had a thought about the firmware as well. but submitted it to a service center for a check and they said it looks okay (if you are to trust it now, don't seem very knowledgeable as I had other errors corrected)

- yes, that thought has struck me as well. will test that too

I found this and feels like its most likely something with the board
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Messages : 15
Inscription : mer. juin 19, 2024 5:12 pm

Re: Husqvarna Automower 230 acx No loop (en dehors de la zone de travail)

Message par Nicktim »


can't believe how stupid this feels! but I had mounted the sensors upside down... temporarily put them upside down to dry and moisture sealed all the electronics. obviously forgot about this...!

but thanks for all the help!