carte station de base AM220ac - connection cable guide

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Tondeur amateur
Messages : 35
Inscription : mer. déc. 20, 2017 12:21 am

carte station de base AM220ac - connection cable guide

Message par guyc »

I was trying to connect the guide wire on the base station of the 220ac. Unfortunately there are only 2 connection for the boundery wire. I check the internal wiring of the base station and could not find any unused wire. This is different with the spare part 544.98.38.01 I could find in the spare part list for a AM220ac.

On the electronic board of the base station there is a 8 pins connector, but only 6 pins are used (2 wires for the led, 2 wires 26 Vac, 2 wires for the boundary wires.)

Has someone the pin connections of this 8 pins connector ? Because I suppose the 2 unused pins are for the connection of guide1 and guide2.

Many thanks
AM 220ac

Tondeur amateur
Messages : 35
Inscription : mer. déc. 20, 2017 12:21 am

carte station de base AM220ac - connection cable guide

Message par guyc »

AM 220ac

Tondeur amateur
Messages : 35
Inscription : mer. déc. 20, 2017 12:21 am

carte station de base AM220ac - connection cable guide

Message par guyc »

It's the yellow wire on the pictures in this topic that is missing

The pictures are very clear, except where the yellow wire is connected to the board
AM 220ac

Tondeur amateur
Messages : 35
Inscription : mer. déc. 20, 2017 12:21 am

carte station de base AM220ac - connection cable guide

Message par guyc »

Specifications automower :

AM :
Enland DL56UP
year :2007
Product No : 9650894-01

Software : AM 220AC CD
version : 2.80 B:33 U:00
oct. 20, 2010

Loading station : base plate replaced by newer version with circuit board 544 45 41-05
AM 220ac

Tondeur amateur
Messages : 35
Inscription : mer. déc. 20, 2017 12:21 am

carte station de base AM220ac - connection cable guide

Message par guyc »

Problem solved.
guide 1 can be connect on the 8 pin connector but also on the pin next to this connector.

When interested, I made a small tutorial from the modification
AM 220ac
