Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

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Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

Recently I got problem with my automower.
It can not find a base. Loop and loop signal is OK, but when it starts to search for base to charge, it keeps moving around lawn.
Even if it is close to base, it doesn't slow down, just hit it as it would be some obstacle, turns and go away.

What could be it?
I tried to re-link by doing reset through "new installation" menu, where is asks for language, time new pin-code. Then it is supposedly transferred pin-code (connected to the base) but result is still the same.
What can I check more?
I presume it is either problem with "near" signal from base, or with signal detection on the mover.
How can I see that there is a signal, anything in the "Tools" menu?
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Inscription : sam. juin 01, 2019 4:11 am

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par GuillaumeP »

well even if this isnt an english forum I'll try do what I can to help you ..... but a crutial info is needed ..... is your mower using guide wire ???? and how is it configured to return to base? and plz add a signature to your account saying what type of mower and the area it covers ..... we have way too few informations
2 X 450x
10 000m2
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Messages : 8846
Inscription : dim. avr. 10, 2011 3:59 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par JPMalef »


[quote ]Loop and loop signal is OK[/quote] How do you know?
The best (and only way) is to ask your mower the value of those signals (Af, F, N, G) from the "Tools" menu, ones with the mower siting in his base, and a second lecture with the mower back 1 meter from his base.

And reports back to us.
AM 220AC v2.80
avril 2011
Gembloux (Belgique)
450 m²+700m2
2 pelouses en alternance
5j/sem. 6 heures
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

Sorry for English. My French is almost non-existent, despite my attempts to start at least reading (as there are number of French books I want to read, which weren't translated to Russian or English), but this is forum with the most knowledge about those automowers on the internet :) If not there, then nowhere )

I have Husqvarna 220AC, it covers about 900 square meeters. I don't use guide wire. SO, it goes home in usual way without guide wire. It used to work without any problems almost 5 years (aside of battery replacement, reparation of broken border wire and some other service). But suddenly it is what it is now. If I put it into the charging station manually, it charges and mows OK. Respecting order wire. But then again can't find station and rolls over lawn till battery gone. Even hitting station but ignoring it. I did factory reset, didn't help. (and normally it goes OK after factory reset with default settings, I did it in the past)

This is what it reports at the base (not attached tot he contacts)


and approximately 1.5 meters away

Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

But now I am thinking. Maybe my reset was not enough?
What is the way to perform hardest possible reset?
I remember there was some key combination or something in this forum, which I can not find now.

Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

And, just in case, green on my base is constantly green. Also, taking into account that it actually mows and respect boundary wire, I assume that boundary wire is OK.
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 8846
Inscription : dim. avr. 10, 2011 3:59 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par JPMalef »


Your F signal is very poor. This signal is the one that is "attracting" the mower over a distance of about 6 meters.
The antenna is situated in the plate of the charging station.

Unfortunately, your signature is empty, therefore I can't currently made further recommendations.

What is the [b]construction[/b] year of your mower?
Where are you located?
AM 220AC v2.80
avril 2011
Gembloux (Belgique)
450 m²+700m2
2 pelouses en alternance
5j/sem. 6 heures
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Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

1) It is difficult to say about construction year. I bought it in 2014 second hand (but after good service, so a to of things were new).
2) I am in the Netherlands.

So, if I got it right, then it either transmitter problem (in the base) or receiver (in the automower). I can disassembly and check for obvious things. Like corrosion. Or anything visible, Also can measure stuff, but unfortunately I don't have working oscilloscope. But if necessary, can make relatively low-freq one from Arduino or RPi.
I can also attach to serial and make some checks or gather more info, if there is something can be done.

Just in case, I noticed, that my automower was running with open service connection socket for some time. Could it be that this is the reason and some water got into automower? Is it different receivers for boundary signal and F signal?
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

Did further investigation. If it is charger, it looks like this might be either PCB or plate itself.
Any option to check, which of them is responsible?
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 8846
Inscription : dim. avr. 10, 2011 3:59 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par JPMalef »

[quote ]It is difficult to say about construction year.[/quote] Not at all BD.
Put yourself in front of the mower and open the cover. Located at the upper right hand side, there is a label that shows several information, of which the construction year.

The mower has only 2 sensors for all signals. One in front, one in the back.
If the mower is working properly, sensors are OK.

AM 220AC v2.80
avril 2011
Gembloux (Belgique)
450 m²+700m2
2 pelouses en alternance
5j/sem. 6 heures
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

You right, produced in 2010 )

Now question is how to bisect, is it logic board on charger, or bottom plate?
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 8846
Inscription : dim. avr. 10, 2011 3:59 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par JPMalef »

As all signals are time multiplexed, I have doubt about the logic board. Most probably the antenna.


Here is the challenge (and I explain).

[b]During[/b] 2010, Husqvarna change the design of the charging station for a better and more reliable version. During is the key word.

Could you publish a photo of the plate of the charging station to identify which version is yours?

Hereafter, I make a link to an image of the old version :


And the new version :

AM 220AC v2.80
avril 2011
Gembloux (Belgique)
450 m²+700m2
2 pelouses en alternance
5j/sem. 6 heures
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

I have new version, like on photo.

I think that charging station is newer than automower. I recall that former owner told about new station and indeed it didn’t have signs of use, when I bought it.
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 8846
Inscription : dim. avr. 10, 2011 3:59 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par JPMalef »

OK, now, the question is : why is your charging station defect?

You could measure the resistance value of the F antenna between the yellow and white whires (between the electronic board and the plate) : should be less than 5 Ohms.

You should pay attention to the place and close surrounding of your charging station.

Here after, my French references.

Nouvelle base (mid 2010)
Signal F : Fil jaune et fil blanc : résistance = < 5 Ohms.
Signal N : Fil bleu et fil rouge : résistance = <5 Ohms.
AM 220AC v2.80
avril 2011
Gembloux (Belgique)
450 m²+700m2
2 pelouses en alternance
5j/sem. 6 heures
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

Thanks a lot! I will measure tomorrow!
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

Red and blue: 0.5 Ohm
Yellow and white (actually in my case white is not marked, but it is remaining of 4 wires) is 46Ohm
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

Looks like we have a winner :)
Two points where F wire was fixed before:



Now question. Are there any special requirements for this wire?
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

Can I do what I normally do with border wire? Solder and on top silicone with adhesive and water-insulating heat shrinking pipe?
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

OMG )))
It wasn’t even soldered there! )) just two ends with pipe on top, assuming pipe will keep them in contact ))
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2
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Messages : 18
Inscription : mar. janv. 10, 2017 4:24 pm

Husqvarna 220AC doesn't see the base

Message par antst »

And today I replaced wire in the bottom plane and it works :)

JPMalef, thanks a lot!
Husqvarna 220AC (earlier than 2014), 900m2