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Automower G1 Code

Publié : mer. juil. 22, 2015 7:35 pm
par Stephane_r

J'ai 4 Automower G1 a la maison. 1 fonctionne tres bien, 1 est seulement pour reparer les autres et deux qui fonctionne mais je n'ai pas la code.
J'ai achetée les deux quelques mois passe mais le vendeur a dit le code etait 1234 mais ce n'est pas juste. J'ai essaye de contacter cette personne mais il ne répond pas.
J'ai retire les codes pour quand vous avez oublie le code mais le distributeur veut 75euro pour donner moi la code correct. Peut-être quelqu'un ici peut m’aider ?
Les codes sont :
33463545 et 34344354

merci beaucoup.

Sorry for the bad French!

Automower G1 Code

Publié : mer. juil. 22, 2015 7:42 pm
par BenLaeft
Bonjour, :|

Moi avoir camion blanc plein d'automowers, moi les avoir trouvés par hasard sur bord route sans code, eux bipper sans arrêt et faire très beaucoup du bruit, ça être très embêtant pour tondre discrètement les patures de transylvanie.

Désolé pour le ton ironique mais c'est douteux.
Peut-être trouveras-tu ici des gens pour t'aider à tondre la cour de promenade, ... mais j'en doute.
75€ ce n'est pas si cher !


Automower G1 Code

Publié : mer. juil. 22, 2015 7:47 pm
par Stephane_r
Yes thank you, really usefull. I tried my best to write in French.
I really haven't stolen them or would be stupid to steal a gen 1 automower.
Anyway, i'll just pay the 75euro.
thanks anyway.

Automower G1 Code

Publié : mer. juil. 22, 2015 7:48 pm
par Stephane_r
And no it is not expensive, but it does get ezpensive when you add it to what i've already paid for something that is not working.

Automower G1 Code

Publié : mer. juil. 22, 2015 7:55 pm
par BenLaeft
[quote le 22/07/2015 à 17:47:00, Stephane_r a dit :]Yes thank you, really usefull. I tried my best to write in French.
I really haven't stolen them or would be stupid to steal a gen 1 automower.
Anyway, i'll just pay the 75euro.
thanks anyway.[/quote]
If G1 AM do the job, why it would be stupid to steal them ?
Maybe you didn't but your story doesn't show the inverse. In the doubt, nobody would help. Sorry, you have to understand.
Anyway automowers have very closed firmwares. Any deep modification has to be done by an official reseller. Base+robot are linked and registered in HSQVN headquarters.
No firmware modifications could be done by this forum.
Next time, check the code when buying or buy brand new.

Automower G1 Code

Publié : mer. juil. 22, 2015 9:49 pm
par Stephane_r
It would be stupid because I bought mine for 100euro a piece...+75euro to get the code obviously. This is not really worth taking the risque to steal them I guess.
Anyway, doesn't matter. if the wheather doesn't change, the one that is mowing now will be able to complete the job.

Automower G1 Code

Publié : jeu. juil. 23, 2015 11:29 am
par Keops62
First of all, thanks for your efforts to write in french !
Not so bad ... if we all could do the same in english ...

BenLeaft was a bit rough but we are careful against thieves.
Robots are expensive, very for some of us, so if there were any way to break there safety and if it was easy to know, it would be bad.
Maybe does it exist for G1 that are older, but I don't know.

I think that one of our member just tried a lot of codes ... and finally found.

For my/our curiosity, you are not french so could you set your country/province and your surfaces ?