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No pin on used automower 220

Publié : mer. juin 22, 2011 2:06 am
par manellik
I bought a used Automower 220 without pin; I can't use it because it ask a old one to change it. Anyone can help me to find it with a HARD reset or something else? Some sw to connect to a motherboard?
thanks in advance for your help

No pin on used automower 220

Publié : mer. juin 22, 2011 10:55 am
par Stefano
Welcome to the forum.

Safety mesures foresee you to contact a HSVN reseller to solve this. He will do the necessary checks on the HSVN international database before unlocking.

Otherwise, simply ask the person you purchased from which PIN code he had in it...

Also, the rules of this forum foresee each new member to complete his profile before posting. Please do so.

No pin on used automower 220

Publié : jeu. juil. 07, 2011 1:16 pm
par poildecarotte
[quote le 22/06/2011 à 00:06:46, manellik a dit :] Anyone can help me to find it with a HARD reset or something else? Some sw to connect to a motherboard?[/quote]
no, otherwise it would be possible to unlock a stolen Automower: only HSVN can unlock it, you need to contact an official HSVN-reseller as indicated by Stefano. You will then push the key number 9 (long push). That sequence of letters must be transmitted to the reseller and he will be able to find out the corresponding PIN code.