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Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : mer. août 24, 2016 12:07 am
par 69maritime
Je suis desoler, mais ca fait long temp depuis la derniere fois que j'ai parler Francais. Je peux pas trouver une place a l'internet en Englais avec le niveau d'information d'ici. Je veux acheter un 430x au printemps et c'est dificile a trouver l'info specifique. Si quelqun a du patience a parler en Englais avec mois, je vous remerci. Si non, pas de problem.


Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : mer. août 24, 2016 12:23 pm
par Keops62
Hello, let's will try our best to help you.
Give us a map with some informations : area(s), lengths (witdth, heigth, narrows ...), obstacles, power outlets, North position, ... you can draw the loop wire for boundary and loops for guides.
You can set informations in your profil under your username : 430X to be planned, you areas, your location (for weather impact).
And then ask for informations.
Did you download the lanmower PDF guide ? the "OM, Automower, 420, 430X, 450X, 2016" link on [a]430X Husqvarna webpage[/a], the link called "MANUALS" under the picture.

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : mer. août 24, 2016 12:56 pm
par jonas0_13
Welcome :)
We'll do our best effort !

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 3:44 am
par 69maritime
Merci Beaucoup. I will update my profile. I will start my map. I have the Manual

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 7:44 am
par 69maritime
I hope this helps. I am worried about the narrow path across my driveway. How do I prevent the mower from entering the path as it's mowing in either of the two zones[img[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] ]

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 9:08 am
par Keops62
Well, great map, with care on the guide wire position in the narrow path.
You just have to let 2 meters straight out in front of the station (look at notice pictures/information)

The 430X has 2 guide wires.
One must be like the first you drawn, but shoud go througg the lefh area :
not only to help the mower to go in this area through the narrow path, but either to be brought back when its power is low.
With automatic GPS mode, it will discover alone the map and will plan alone the way to manage it (when to mow there, which area to go to ...)

If the charging station could be placed in front of the narrow path - on the left side of your house, you could use the 2nd guide wire and let it go to the right side of the "house" area.

Edit : modified for the guide wire on left.

For the narrow path.
Is the mower able to drive on it : border ? nature (gravel ? coated "macadam" ? ...) ?
Could you send a picture ?
What's the length of this path (the car path width) ?

For the "doors" to prevent the mower to go through alone (il will straight reduce the chances to go through, the mower could rarely go through alone) it's a good and a bad idea.
Good to let it in one of the area and prevent "accident" with cars,
bad if the mower feels to be in jail between the 2 doors.
This has been discussed in [a]that topic (link)[/a] :
60 cm between the loop wire,
guide wire at the middle,
and, at the start/end of the path, and loop wire nearer (to be tested !).
My point of view is to let this narrow path open (but as small as possible)
and to add informations (on panels) for people/strangers who will drive on the path : "be carefull, robotic lanmower may go trought this path (on coated "macadam" I shall paint the mower path to let it visible for stangers)
It's just my point of view, I've not this situation.
Members should give their point of view too.

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 12:35 pm
par JPMalef
Remember that the mower is following the guide wire on the right side of the cable when leaving the station, and returns the same side. So the drawing is showing the opposite.

If the slope is going down 19° (35%), the peripheral câble could probably not stop the mower in wet condition.

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 12:49 pm
par Keops62
JPMalef is right : I did the same mistake on the guide wire (do to my own configuration).
I modified the picture above.

JPMalef is right too for the lower part of slopes : is the slope lower in the bottom ? what is there after the loop wire ?
Maybe some pictures could help ?

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 2:32 pm
par 69maritime
Thanks again everyone! The slope at the bottom 14*. My driveway is gravel and is 4m wide. If I make the path 60cm wide, will the mower go straight through to the other side or will it "zig zag" until it exits the path? If the GPS manages the mowing, do I need to set the mower to follow the guide wire, or will the guide wire only be for finding the charging station?

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 3:01 pm
par JPMalef
For the GPS, it's a 2 steps process.

At the beginning, the mower has no idea about the area to be managed, it has to discover it. Sending the mower to the extremity of the guides will accelerate the discovery.
Ones the area is discovered, the mower will take over and will mow around its own way.

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : jeu. août 25, 2016 3:39 pm
par Keops62
For the lanmower map initialization, my point of view is a bit different from JPMalef :
430X will follow the guides as landmarks to build its own map : it will sometimes drive himself till their end and start to mow and discover.
But if you manage remote starts, it won't be a problem.

The way to follow the guide wire do not depend on GPS mode or not.
In remote start or in return to station, it will "zig zag" if it has place to for grass preservation (1), either will it follow the guide straight.
The narrow path on your driveway is at the min width, so it wil follow it straight.
Rem : with the menu Installation, Advanced, you can reduce the distance between mower and guide (the corridor) BUT (the software will automatically manage this width to allow the drive ! So, let it at the max (9).
(1) the mower will start/come back 4 times in a day, no way to ruin the grass near the wire, even in front of the station.

I didn't test so don't know if it's usefull but you can buy [a]tires for "rough and sloping lawns" (link)[/a]

If your gravels layer are too thick, you should be able to stabilized it with that [a]kind of product (link) [/a] and [a](picture)[/a].

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : sam. août 27, 2016 6:22 pm
par 69maritime
This has all been very helpful. I appreciate you guys taking the time to discuss in english. My driveway is tightly packed small stones, nothing loose. Ok, so with the 60cm path the mower should go straight through if it enters the path. If that happens, does the mower turn off the blades or is it still mowing as it goes through? In the winter, the snow on the driveway is plowed with a large truck. Does anyone know if I can bury the cable deeper than the recomended 20cm?

Je parle pas beacoup de Fracais

Publié : lun. août 29, 2016 12:07 am
par Keops62
If the mower enter the narrow path while mowwing it will continue to mow.
If it is running for a remote start or coming back to station, the balades are off.

Deeper than 20 cm ? No idea.
Maybe is it possible tout proceed to a removable installation not too deep during the mowing season, using connexions slots in each side to remove cables through the driveway in winter ?